Is your content telling your story to the right audience?

If not, I help creatives align their content (website, copy, etc.) for their target audiences to help them more strongly pitch themselves, their work and their next steps. This work not only spruces up your website for when your audience comes calling, it’s also a springboard to a more defined brand voice, a streamlined content strategy and copy that highlights your expertise, story and personality.

How can I help?

While the actual pieces may differ depending on what you need, it’s often a blend of 1) a website audit from a brand marketing angle, 2) work on your unique story and 3) content assistance.

Here’s what working with me could look like:

(Your actual plan may look different!)

We have a (free!) discovery call:

We’ll meet and talk about what your goals are with your website and your business. My 18-year-old cat, Bobbin, will most likely show up and meow loudly. You’ll leave with a 10,000-foot view of how your website looks to your target audience and can share your biggest business pain points. 

I do a content audit of your website:

If it feels aligned to work together, this is usually the first step. I’ll go over your website (and take a peek at your social too) and share what you can do to meet your target audience. I’ll circle back with you roughly a week later with a report (~10-15 pages) with notes that include: 

• Suggestions for aligning your website with your target audience 
• Navigation, page layout and menu tips
• Notes about where you are (and aren’t!) showing up in your brand
• Pages you might want to add to meet your target audience
• What pages to edit and maybe revamp
• General proofreading notes (broken links, typos, confusing messages, etc.) 
• Light SEO (a little info on search intent, organic search, keywords, etc.) 
• And more!

Together, we work on your story:

If you’d like to work on your brand voice, I’ll also send over some questions you can use to uncover your own unique voice, brand voice and value prop.

We can then weave in your answers as we update your content and copy. You’ll also have the answers on hand to use for future content ideas! 

And figure out a content plan (if you need one!):

Coming up with content can be a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be! If you need content help, I can use content you’ve already produced (or are planning to produce) and show you how to turn it into multiple pieces of content.

The result? Your content ideation and execution becomes easier, quicker and less frustrating!

We can also navigate other pesky pain points! 

I can also help you with other business pain points that may come up along the way like: 

• Market research
• Showing you how to find and contact places for collaboration
• Creating a newsletter strategy that doesn’t burn you out
• Other brand marketing issues that may come up!

Ready to get started? (Or have any questions?)

What working with me is like:

“I couldn’t imagine anyone better than an editor versed in surface design. In our first conversation, she asked an amazing question, “What energizes you to create?” In talking with Betsy, it seemed like she easily understood my goals and pain points from the beginning.

Betsy gave actionable steps that made perfect sense for my goals. Her recommendations were on point and she undoubtedly would benefit other artists/businesses with her astute observations and ability to put thoughts into a bite-sized action plan. She is a wonderful resource to have and a joy to work with!” – Crystal Walen of Crystal W Design

Why am I the right person to work with?

This is me helping people create affirmation postcards at a workshop at the North Carolina Museum of Art. My background is in DIY punk and I love experimenting with new creative ideas! Photo by Rachel Berbec.

As part of Spoonflower’s brand marketing team, I wrote DTC and B2B content highlighting creative work by independent artists and showcasing fabric, wallpaper and home decor products. Our content was informed by business goals, data analysis, consumer pain points, new product initiatives and SEO research that not only targeted the right audience, it also informed them along the way.

My experience facilitating workshops means I come to discussions and new client relationships with a host of questions for you to use to uncover where you want to head in your business and how you want to show up online. These questions aren’t just questions I ask people I work with, I ask myself them too in my own personal projects, which are all inquiries and open invitations to find more authentic ways of sharing, creating and connecting.

I can also help brands with:

  • Creating short-, mid- and long-form content for DTC and B2B audiences
  • Writing SEO-optimized posts about your products, new initiatives and work
  • Interviewing customers, then write up their stories for you to share
  • Unearthing your personality, RTBs and authenticity if it has been lost, hidden or buried along the way of doing one million other things
  • Finding authentically aligned collaborators to work with
  • Optimizing older blog posts for SEO
  • Helping you plan future content that helps further your business goals

Sound good? I’d love to connect and hear your story!

Ways to connect with me:

Still reading? Here’s a lil’ bit more about who the heck I am.

My creative adventure began when I accidentally popularized the craftivism movement, sharing it with a worldwide audience. After finding a gap in public discussion about the connection between crafts and activism, I started talking about it… and today, people study it for their PhDs, have full-time jobs doing craftivism projects, and write books about their own craftivist practices. (Pro tip: Find your niche and run with it.)

Later, I pivoted to how creativity grows personal agency, heals us and transforms us for the better. It’s activist adjacent and means I see the stories people share in their creative work and am pretty dang good at helping people bring those stories to life.

With experience interviewing creatives and being interviewed by a bevy of national and international outlets, I’m comfortable getting right to work on sharing your story, and can’t wait to hear more.